“Working to regulate the nervous system and remove spinal blockages is effective in helping
people to heal from stress, pain and disease.”

Hello,  I’m Makayla, I’m a certified Spinal Flow Technique practitioner located in Mount Lofty, Toowoomba.   I am so thrilled you are here. Read more about me.

No matter where you are on the spectrum of health (from really poor health, being in pain and suffering to super healthy and full of energy), you still store stress in your body and at some point, it will impact your life. I am here to help you decrease stress, connect with and regulate your nervous system and increase life force energy through your spine.

I am very passionate about the Spinal Flow Technique as I truly believe your body has the power and potential to heal itself. I’d love to see you in my studio soon.

Makayla holding books, looking straight at the camera and laughing.

“If you would seek health, look first to the spine.” Socrates